Sunday, December 20, 2015

Animals and their Young

The baby and adult parent panda both have black and white color fur. The baby panda is much smaller in size than the adult parent panda. Both the baby panda and the adult panda have the same body shape.


Animals and Their Young 

When a baby elephants needs help, his mother will answer his/her call.

An elephant baby is not just taken care by his mother, but by all the females in the herd. 

Elephants are excellent mothers. They help their babies stand up when they are born. 

      How are the adult and baby alike? How are they different?

                   Orangutans are excellent mothers. They

                   carry their babies until they are 5 years old!

   They teach their babies which foods to eat and which ones to    avoid. 

                     They teach their babies how to use tools to find food.

     How are the adult and baby alike? How are they different?

    Emperor penguins are excellent parents. They cover their babies with their brood patch to keep them warm.

   The mother penguin feeds in the ocean and then regurgitates her food for the baby. 

   Emperor penguins huddle in groups called colonies to protect themselves from the cold and wind.

       How are the adult and baby alike? How are they different?

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